The Community Crops Project

Farm Raiser's Community Crops Project aims to foster health and cultural connection by cultivating crops that resonate with people from many different cultural backgrounds in the Farm Raiser neighbourhood. By engaging with local residents, including those from underrepresented groups in Farm Raiser's existing networks, the project seeks to identify and grow crops that reflect their culinary traditions.

We love providing high quality, organically grown produce to our local community and we’re excited to begin to tackle the cultural food insecurity that often accompanies lack of access to traditional food crops. We encourage you to stop by Farm Raiser to check out our new crops. Hopefully we’ll have some in the shop soon! If you would like to volunteer to help tend the Community Crops please email us at

By creating this Crop Inventory booklet, we hope to make growing these crops more accessible to market gardens and home gardeners around Naarm/Melbourne and temperate Australia. If you’re interested in growing these crops commercially we’d love to chat, alternatively if you have any growing information or seeds for us, we’d also love to hear about that!

Grow well!

Team Farm Raiser