Farm Raiser is a small not for profit and charity. We fund ourselves with sales of vegetables. Donations of any size help us do the work we do.

Things your donations fund include food relief and free educations programs, as well as keeping the space up and running for the community.

For general one off donations click below, alternatively email us at

  • We sell to local grocers, farmers markets and to a veg box program. The trade of our produce allows us to operate and pay the bills, with the long term aim of being financially self-sufficient. Any profits made will be directed toward our food education programs in partnership with Waratah Special Developmental School. If you’d like to get your hands on our veggies, click here to learn how

  • We really love growing good quality local food and we work really hard to do so for reasons greater than ‘really yummy carrots’. The very big purpose of our very little farm is to positively influence and improve the health of both humans and the environment via a more fair and just food system.