
Weekly volunteering sessions happen every Friday from 10am until 1pm and Saturday from 10am until 12pm. Email us at volunteer@farmraiser.com.au to sign up.

Our farm shop is open every Friday and Saturday between 9am and 2pm

Upcoming events

There are no events currently scheduled, but keep an eye on our socials

Past Events

Sat Apr 20th 2024

Cultural Diversity Week Maker Market

Ivanhoe Library


Farm Raiser will be hosting a stall selling our fresh veggies at the Makers Market

See here for more details

Sat May 4th 2024

Farm Raiser Community Day: Novel Crops Project


Join the Farm Raiser farmers for a tour and morning tea to chat about what crops

you’d like to see grown. We are particularly looking for input from people who may find

it difficult to access some foods that they commonly use in their home country.

Sign up here

Mar 17th 2024


We’ll be hosting a stall with free activities at Banyule Eco fest. Come say hi, grab some fresh veggies and pot up some seeds!

See here for details

Nov 30th 2023

ResourceSmart Schools: Health and Sustainability in Special Developmental Schools

As part of Sustainability in Schools month, Farmraiser is proud to partner with Sustainability Victoria ResourceSmart Schools to host an important and informative online workshop on working with students with special needs in a gardening and horticultural context.

Please signup here

Nov 23rd 2023

Banyule Urban Food Strategy Launch inc. tour of Farmraiser

Banyule City Council are launching their new Urban Food Strategy at Bellfield Community Hub. There’ll be a quick tour of the community garden and Farmraiser, followed by speeches by Prof. Michael Buxton and Nick Rose (Sustain), and some drinks and nibbles.

Sign up here

Nov 19th 2023

Farmraiser Spring Working Bee & Farm tour

In collaboration with Bellfield Community Garden and Urban Agriculture Month we’ll be running a big spring clean and working bee at farmraiser. Come help us tidy up the farm, paint some signs, plant some plants and weed some weeds!

Please RSVP here by Nov 17th so that we can provide a delicious lunch for you

Nov 12th 2023

Malahang Festival - Malahang Reserve, Heidelberg West

We’ll be running a little stall at Malahang Festival showing off our veggies, potting up seedlings to take home, and making funny, silly sculptures out of fruit and veg